
Gyres, which are large systems of circulating ocean currents or large “whirlpools”, are common across oceans on Earth. Gyres are important in controlling the climate by transporting heat from warm equatorial regions to cold polar regions. Gyres also exist in seas during a certain season, like the South China Sea winter cyclonic gyre (Figure 1). This cyclonic gyre is accompanied by the shallowing of sea level towards the center and cold deep water pumping upwards and spreading out at the surface. How does the winter cyclonic gyre form and why does it exist only during winter?
The prevailing wind or the monsoon explains that. During the winter, the cold air mass flows southward from Siberia, which generates the northeast monsoon over the South China Sea (Figure 1). During the winter, the winds will turn anti-clockwise or cyclonically over the South China Sea basin. These cyclonic winds flow over the basin and push the seawater, which results in cyclonic oceanic currents that are part of the cyclonic gyre. Conversely, during the summer, the South China Sea is influenced by the southwest monsoon, as air masses flow into warm central Asia continental landmass (Figure 2). Winds over the South China Sea would turn clockwise or anti-cyclonically, leading to anti-cyclonic oceanic currents. This explains why we do not see a cyclonic gyre during summer.
Gyres in seas are smaller than gyres in oceans. Currently, climate models are overcoming the challenge of reproducing small features. Improved climate models allow better representation of marginal sea gyres like the one in South China Sea, which in turn improves regional climate prediction.
研究参画者 Marvin Seow Xiang Ce
東京大学 大学院理学系研究科