DNA Climate Project

Challenge to the new generation cloud
resolving climate simulation




  • Kodama, C., Ohno, T., Seiki, T., Yashiro, H., Noda, A. T., Nakano, M., Yamada, Y., Roh, W., Satoh, M., Nitta, T., Goto, D., Miura, H., Nasuno, T., Miyakawa, T., Chen, Y.-W., & Sugi, M. (2021). The Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model for CMIP6 HighResMIP simulations (NICAM16-S): experimental design, model description, and impacts of model updates. Geoscientific Model Development, 14, 795–820. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-795-2021
  • Takasuka, D.Kohyama, T.Miura, H., & Suematsu, T. (2021). MJO initiation triggered by amplification of upper-tropospheric dry mixed Rossby-gravity wavesGeophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094239. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL094239
  • Yamada, Y., Kodama, C., Satoh, M., Sugi, M., Roberts, M. J., Mizuta, R., Noda, A. T., Nasuno, T., Nakano, M., & Vidale, P. L. (2021). Evaluation of the contribution of tropical cyclone seeds to changes in tropical cyclone frequency due to global warming in high-resolution multi-model ensemble simulations. Prog Earth Planet Sci 8, 11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40645-020-00397-1
  • Na, Y., Fu, Q., Leung, L. R., & Kodama, C. (2022). Mesoscale Convective Systems Simulated by a High-Resolution Global Nonhydrostatic Model Over the United States and China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127(7), e2021JD035916. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD035916
  • Kodama, T., Takasuka, D., Sherriff-Tadano, S., Kuroda, T., Miyakawa, T., Abe-Ouchi, A., & Satoh, M. (2022). Climate of High-obliquity Exoterrestrial Planets with a Three-dimensional Cloud System Resolving Climate Model. The Astrophysical Journal, 940(1), 87. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ac98ae
  • Suzuki, T., Nakano, M., Watanabe, S., Tatebe, H., & Takano, Y. (2022). Mechanism of a meteorological tsunami reaching the Japanese coast caused by Lamb and Pekeris waves generated by the 2022 Tonga eruption. Ocean Modelling, 181, 102153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2022.102153
  • Watanabe, S., Hamilton, K., Sakazaki, T., & Nakano, M. (2022). First Detection of the Pekeris Internal Global Atmospheric Resonance: Evidence from the 2022 Tonga Eruption and from Global Reanalysis Data. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 79, 3027–3043. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-22-0078.1.
  • Fu, Z.-H., Zhan, R., Zhao, J., Yamada, Y., & Song, K. (2023). Future projections of multiple tropical cyclone events in the Northern Hemisphere in the CMIP6-HighResMIP models. Geophysical Research Letters,50, e2023GL103064. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL103064
  • Camargo, S. J., Murakami, H., Bloemendaal, N., Chand, S. S., Deshpande M. S., Dominguez-Sarmiento, C., Gonzalez-Alem, J. J., Knutson, T. R., Lin, I.-I., Moon I.-J., Patricola, C. M., Reed, K. A., Roberts, M. J., Scoccimarro, E., Tam, C. Y., Wallace, E. J., Wu, L., Yamada, Y., Zhang, W., & Zhao, H. (2023). An update on the influence of natural climate variability and anthropogenic climate change on tropical cyclones. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, 12, 216–239. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcrr.2023.10.001
  • Nakano, M., Chen, Y.-W., & Satoh, M. (2023). Analysis of the Factors that Led to Uncertainty of Track Forecast of Typhoon Krosa (2019) by 101-Member Ensemble Forecast Experiments Using NICAM. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan,101, 191-207. https://doi.org/10.2151/jmsj.2023-013
  • Schreck, C. J.,  Vitart, F., Camargo, S. J., Camp, J., Darlow, J., Elsberry, R., Gottschalck, J., Gregory, P., Hansen, K., Jackson, J., Janiga, M., Klotzbach, P. J., Lee, C.-Y., Long, L., Nakano, M., Takemura, K., Takaya, Y., Ventrice, M. J., & Wang Z. (2023). Advances in Tropical Cyclone Prediction on Subseasonal Time Scales during 2019-2022. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, 12, 136-150. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcrr.2023.06.004.
  • Kodama, C., Yashiro,  H., Arakawa, T., Takasuka, D., Matsugishi, S., & Tomita, H. (2024). Parallelized remapping algorithms for km-scale global weather and climate simulations with icosahedral grid system. In Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPCAsia ’24), 35–46. https://doi.org/10.1145/3635035.3635040
  • Takasuka, D., Kodama, C., Suematsu, T., Ohno, T., Yamada, Y., Seiki, T., Yashiro, H., Nakano, M., Miura, H., Noda, A. T., Nasuno, T., Miyakawa, T., & Masunaga, R. (2024). How can we improve the seamless representation of climatological statistics and weather toward reliable global k-scale climate simulations? Journal of Advancesin Modeling Earth Systems, 16, 2. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023MS003701
  • Takano, Y. H., Kodama, C., & Miura, H. (2024). Diagnostic method for atmosphere–ocean coupling over tropical oceans at the sub-seasonal timescale. Geophysical Research Letters, 51,e2023GL106837. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL106837


  • Watanabe, M., Tatebe, H., Koyama, H., Hajima, T., Watanabe, M., & Kawamiya, M. (2020). Importance of El Nino reproducibility for reconstructing historical CO2 flux variations in the equatorial Pacific. Ocean Science, 16, 1431-1442. https://doi.org/10.5194/os-16-1431-2020
  • Watanabe, M., Dufresne, J.-L., Kosaka, Y., Mauritsen, T., & Tatebe, H. (2020). Enhanced warming constrained by past trends in equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature gradient. Nature Climate Change, 11, 33-37. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-020-00933-3
  • Philipona, R., Kräuchi, A., Kivi, R., Peter, T., Wild, M., Dirksen, R., Fujiwara, M., Sekiguchi, M., Hurst, D. F., & Becker, R. (2020). Balloon-borne radiation measurements demonstrate radiative forcing by water vapor and clouds. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 29(6), 501-509. https://doi.org/10.1127/metz/2020/1044
  • Hung, C.-S., & Miura, H. (2021). Ensemble of radiative-convective equilibrium simulations near the aggregated and scattered boundaryGeophysical Research Letters48, e2021GL095279. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL095279
  • Ota, Y., Sekiguchi, M., & Sato, Y. (2021). Spatial-Scale Characteristics of a Three-Dimensional Cloud-Resolving Solar Radiation Budget Based on Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Simulations. Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA), 17, 228–233. https://doi.org/10.2151/sola.2021-040
  • Kohyama, T., Yamagami, Y., Miura, H., Kido, S., Tatebe, H., & Watanabe, M. (2021). The Gulf Stream and Kuroshio Current are synchronized. Science, 374, 341–346. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abh3295
  • Ando, H., Takagi, M., Sagawa, H., Sugimoto, N., Sekiguchi, M., & Matsuda, Y. (2021). Quasi-periodic variation of the lower equatorial cloud induced by atmospheric waves on Venus. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126(6),1-12. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JE006781
  • Kohyama, T., Miura, H., & Kido, S. (2021). Intensive Variability Extraction. Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA), 17, 246-250. https://doi.org/10.2151/sola.2021-043
  • Kohyama, T., Suematsu, T., Miura, H., & Takasuka, D. (2021). A Wall-like sharp downward branch of the Walker circulation above the western Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD034650. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD034650
  • Shibuya, R., Nakano, M., Kodama, C., Nasuno, T., Kikuchi, K., Satoh, M., Miura, H., & Miyakawa, T. (2021). Prediction Skill of the Boreal Summer Intra-Seasonal Oscillation in Global Non-hydrostatic Atmospheric Model Simulations with Explicit Cloud Microphysics. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 99, 973-992. https://doi.org/10.2151/jmsj.2021-046
  • Inoue, T., Kavirajan, R., Satoh, M., & Miura, H. (2021). On the Semidiurnal Variation in Surface Rainfall Rate over the Tropics in a Global Cloud-Resolving Model Simulation and Satellite Observations. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 99, 1371-1388. https://doi.org/10.2151/jmsj.2021-066
  • Momoi, M., Irie, H., Nakajima, T., & Sekiguchi, M. (2022). Efficient calculation of radiative intensity including the polarization effect in moderately thick atmospheres using a truncation approximation. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 277,107976. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2021.107976
  • Yamagami, Y., Watanabe, M., Mori, M., & Ono, J. (2022). Barents-Kara sea-ice decline attributed to surface warming in the Gulf Stream. Nature communications, 13(1), 3767. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-31117-6
  • Sekiguchi, M., Shi, C., Hashimoto, M., & Nakajima T. (2022). Analysis and validation of ocean color and aerosol properties over coastal regions from SGLI based on a simultaneous method. Journal of Oceanography, 78, 229-243. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10872-021-00627-0
  • Momoi, M., Irie, H., Sekiguchi, M., Nakajima, T., Takenaka, H., Miura, K., & Aoki, K. (2022). Rapid, accurate computation of narrow-band sky radiance in the 940 nm gas absorption region using the correlated k-distribution method for sun-photometer observations. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 9, 10. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40645-022-00467-6
  • Yanase, T., Nishizawa, S., Miura, H., Takemi, T., & Tomita, H. (2022). Low-Level Circulation and Its Coupling with Free-Tropospheric Variability as a Mechanism of Spontaneous Aggregation of Moist Convection. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 79(12), 3429-3451. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-21-0313.1
  • Yanase, T., Nishizawa, S., Miura, H., & Tomita, H. (2022). Characteristic form and distance in high-level hierarchical structure of self-aggregated clouds in radiative-convective equilibrium. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100000. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL100000
  • Ong, C. R., Koike, M., Hashino, T., & Miura, H. (2022). Modeling performance of SCALE-AMPS: Simulations of Arctic mixed-phase clouds observed during SHEBA. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14, e2021MS002887. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021MS002887
  • Miura, H., Suematsu, T., Kawai, Y., Yamagami, Y., Takasuka, D., Takano, Y., Hung, C., Yamazaki, K., Kodama, C., Kajikawa, Y., & Masumoto, Y. (2023). Asymptotic matching between weather and climate models. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,104(12), E2308-E2315. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0128.1
  • Yamagami, Y, Tatebe, H., Kataoka, T., Suzuki, T., & Watanabe, M. (2023). Impacts of oceanic mesoscale structures on sea surface temperature in the Arabian Sea and Indian summer monsoon revealed by climate model simulations. Journal of Climate36(16), 5470-5490. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0510.1
  • Hirata, K., Sekiguchi, M., Sato, Y., & Inatsu, M. (2023). Biases in Shortwave Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer Calculations for High-Resolution Numerical Models. Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA), 19, 50-56. https://doi.org/10.2151/sola.2023-007
  • Watanabe, M., Iwakiri, T., Dong, Y., & Kang, S. M. (2023). Two completing drivers of the recent Walker circulation trend. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, 23. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL105332
  • Huang, J., Hung, C., Wu, C., & Miura, H. (2023). Convective Variabilities Leading to Different Pathways of Convective Self-Aggregation in Two Cloud-Resolving Models. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 80, 2041–2055. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-22-0250.1
  • Willson, J. L., Reed, K. A., Jablonowski, C., Kent, J., Lauritzen, P. H., Nair, R., Taylor, M. A., Ullrich, P. A., Zarzycki, C. M., Hall, D. M., Dazlich, D., Heikes, R., Konor, C., Randall, D., Dubos, T., Meurdesoif, Y., Chen, X., Harris, L., Kühnlein, C., Lee, V., Qaddouri, A., Girard, C., Giorgetta, M., Reinert, D., Miura, H., Ohno, T., & Yoshida, R. (2024). DCMIP2016: the tropical cyclone test case. Geoscientific Model Development,17, 2493-2507. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-2493-2024
  • Ong, C. R., Koike, M., Hashino, T., & Miura, H. (2024). Responses of Simulated Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds to Parameterized Ice Particle Shape. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 81, 125–152. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-23-0015.1
  • Hirata, K., Sato, Y., Sekiguchi, M., & Inatsu, M. (2024). Impact of model grid spacing on the feedback between shortwave three-dimensional radiative transfer and an isolated nonprecipitating cumulus. Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA), Article ID 2024-036. (Advance online publication) https://doi.org/10.2151/sola.2024-036
  • Kondo, M., Sato, Y., Katsuyama, Y., & Inatsu, M. Development of an evaluation method for precipitation particle types from disdrometer data. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. (in revision)


  • Suematsu, T., & Miura, H. (2022). Changes in the Eastward Movement Speed of the Madden–Julian Oscillation with Fluctuation in the Walker Circulation. Journal of Climate, 35(1), 211-225. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0269.1
  • Zhao, N., Wu, P., Yokoi, S., & Hattori, M. (2022). Why does convection weaken over Sumatra Island in an active phase of the MJO? Monthly Weather Review, 150(4), 697-714. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-21-0251.1
  • Chen, Y.-W., Satoh, M., Kodama, C., Noda, A. T., & Yamada, Y. (2022). Projection of High Clouds and the Link to Ice Hydrometeors: An Approach Using Long-Term Global Cloud System–Resolving Simulations. Journal of Climate, 35(11), 3495–3514. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0150.1
  • Suematsu, T., Miura, H., Kodama, C., & Takasuka, D. (2022). Deceleration of Madden–Julian Oscillation Speed in NICAM AMIP-Type Simulation Associated With Biases in the Walker Circulation Strength. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098628. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098628
  • Yokoi, S., Shirooka, R., Yoneyama, K., Cayanan, E. O., & Iglesia, C. O. (2022). Diurnal to Intraseasonal Precipitation Variation Around the Northwestern Coast of Luzon Island: Results From YMC-BSM 2018 Field Campaign. GeophysicalResearch Letters, 49, e2022GL098519. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098519
  • Konduru, R. T., Matsumoto, J., Yokoi, S., & Mori, S. (2022). Climatological characteristics of nocturnal eastward-propagating diurnal precipitation peak over South India during summer monsoon: role of monsoon low-level circulation and gravity waves. Meteorological Applications, 29(6), e2106. https://doi.org/10.1002/met.2106
  • Seiki, A., Kosaka, Y., & Yokoi, S. (2023). Development of Synoptic-Scale Disturbances over the Tropical Western North Pacific Associated with the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation and the Interannual Pacific-Japan Pattern. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 101, 103-123. https://doi.org/10.2151/jmsj.2023-006
  • Okugawa, R., Yasunaga, K., Hamada, A., & Yokoi, S. (2024). Numerical study on the precipitation concentration over the western coast of Sumatra Island. Monthly Weather Review152(3), 689-704. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-23-0037.1


  • Ong, C. R., Miura, H., & Koike, M. (2021). The terminal velocity of axisymmetric cloud drops and raindrops evaluated by the immersed boundary method. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 78(4), 1129–1146. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-20-0161.1
  • Kawai, Y. & Tomita, H. (2021). Numerical Accuracy of Advection Scheme Necessary for Large-Eddy Simulation of Planetary Boundary Layer Turbulence. Monthly Weather Review149(9), 2993-3012. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-20-0362.1
  • Yamazaki, K. & Miura, H. (2021). On the Formation Mechanism of Cirrus Banding: Radiosonde Observations, Numerical Simulations, and Stability Analyses. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 78(11), 3477-3502. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-20-0356.1
  • Yamazaki, K. (2021). Image Sharpening Method Suitable for Himawari-8 Images. Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA), 17, 224-227. https://doi.org/10.2151/sola.2021-039
  • Ce Seow, M. X., Morioka, Y., & Tozuka, T. (2021). Roles of Tropical Remote Forcings on the South China Sea Winter Atmospheric and Cold Tongue Variabilities. Journal of Climate34(10), 4103-4118. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0657.1
  • Matsuta, T., & Masumoto, Y. (2021). Modified View of Energy Budget Diagram and Its Application to the Kuroshio Extension Region. Journal of Physical Oceanography51(4), 1163-1175. https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-20-0124.1
  • Taniguchi, D., Yamazaki, K., and Uno, S. (2022). The Great Dimming of Betelgeuse seen by the Himawari-8 meteorological satellite. Nature Astronomy. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-022-01680-5
  • Kawai, Y. & Tomita, H. (2023). Numerical Accuracy Necessary for Large-Eddy Simulation of Planetary Boundary Layer Turbulence Using the Discontinuous Galerkin Method. Monthly Weather Review, 151(6), 1479-1508.  https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-22-0245.1
  • Yamazaki, K., & Miura, H. (2024). Reproducibility of equatorial Kelvin waves in a superparameterized MIROC: 1. Implementation and verification of blockwise-coupled SP-MIROC. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16, e2023MS003836. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023MS003836
  • Yamazaki, K., & Miura, H. (2024). Reproducibility of equatorial Kelvin waves in a super-parameterized MIROC: 2. Linear stability analysis of in-model Kelvin waves. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16, e2023MS003837. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023MS003837
  • Matsuta, T., & Masumoto, Y. (2023). Energetics of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Part I: The Lorenz Energy Cycle and the Vertical Energy Redistribution. Journal of Physical Oceanography53(6), 1467-1484. https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-22-0133.1
  • Terada, Y., & Masumoto, Y. (2023). Energy transmission pathways of equatorial waves within the Maritime Continent: a view with the wave energy flux. Journal of Oceanography, 79, 517–536 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10872-023-00695-4
  • Kusumi, T., & Masumoto, Y. (2023). Possible Mechanisms of Interannual Variations in Surface Mixed Layer Temperatures off Somalia in Boreal Summer. Journal of Climate36(11), 3625-3646. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0082.1
  • Yamazaki, K., & Miura, H. (2024). Reproducibility of equatorial Kelvinwaves in a superparameterized MIROC: 1.Implementation and verification ofblockwise‐coupled SP‐MIROC. Journal ofAdvances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16,e2023MS003836. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023MS003836
  • Yamazaki, K., & Miura, H. (2024). Reproducibility of equatorial Kelvinwaves in a super‐parameterized MIROC:2. Linear stability analysis of in‐modelKelvin waves. Journal of Advances inModeling Earth Systems, 16, e2023MS003837. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023MS003837
  • 寺田雄亮. (2024). 東部太平洋赤道域の深さ1000mにおける季節内変動の経年変化. 月刊海洋, 56, 10-16. https://kaiyo-chikyu-s.com/



  • Kodama, C., Y. Yamada, T. Ohno, T. Seiki, H. Yashiro, A. T. Noda, M. Nakano, W. Roh, M. Satoh, T. Nitta, D. Goto, H. Miura, T. Nasuno, T. Miyakawa, Y.-W. Chen, and M. Sugi (2021): HighResMIP climate simulations with NICAM and beyond on supercomputer Fugaku. EGU General Assembly 2021.
  • Kodama, C., Y. Yamada, T. Ohno, T. Seiki, H. Yashiro, A. T. Noda, M. Nakano, W. Roh, M. Satoh, T. Nitta, D. Goto, H. Miura, T. Nasuno, T. Miyakawa, Y.-W. Chen, M. Sugi (2021): HighResMIP climate simulations with NICAM and beyond on supercomputer Fugaku. JpGU Meeting 2021. (invited)
  • Kodama, C., H. Yashiro, M. Nakano, T. Suematsu, D. Takasuka, Y. Takano, R. Masunaga, Y. Yamada, T. Arakawa, H. Miura, T. Nasuno, T. Seiki, W. Roh, A. T. Noda, T. Ohno, T. Miyakawa, and M. Satoh (2021): Challenge to a global cloud-resolving climate simulation with NICAM. CPM2021. (invited)
  • Rehbein, A., T. Ambrizzi, M. Satoh, and C. Kodama (2021): Spatio-temporal representation of the Amazonian mesoscale convective systems by the Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM). CPM2021.
  • Kodama, C., H. Yashiro, M. Nakano, T. Suematsu, D. Takasuka, Y. Takano, R. Masunaga, Y. Yamada, T. Arakawa, H. Miura, T. Nasuno, T. Seiki, W. Roh, A. T Noda, T. Ohno, T. Miyakawa and M. Satoh (2021): Overview of NICAM activity on the supercomputer Fugaku. AGU2021. (invited)
  • Na, Y., Q. Fu, L. Ruby, and C. Kodama (2021): Mesoscale Convective Systems Simulated by a High-Resolution Global Nonhydrostatic Model over the United States and China. AGU2021.
  • 高須賀大輔, 小玉知央, 末松環, 清木達也, 大野知紀, 八代尚, 三浦裕亮, 野田暁, 山田洋平, 中野満寿男, 那須野智江, 宮川知己 (2021): 全球雲解像気候実験に向けたNICAMの標準設定の見直しと改良. 日本気象学会2021年度秋季大会.
  • 高須賀大輔, 神山翼, 三浦裕亮, 末松環 (2021): 対流圏上層の混合ロスビー重力波が励起するMJO発生機構. 日本気象学会2021年度秋季大会.
  • Takasuka, D., C. Kodama, T. Suematsu, T. Seiki, T. Ohno, H. Yashiro, H. Miura, A. T. Noda, Y. Yamada, M. Nakano, T. Nasuno, T. Miyakawa (2021): Improvement of NICAM toward the achievement of global cloud-resolving climate simulations. AGU2021.
  • Takasuka, D., T. Kohyama, H. Miura, T. Suematsu (2021): MJO Initiation Triggered by Amplification of Upper-tropospheric Dry Mixed Rossby-gravity Waves. AGU2021.
  • 高野雄紀, 小玉知央, 中野満寿男, 三浦裕亮 (2021): NICOCOによる高解像度気候計算に向けた基礎調査. 日本気象学会2021年度秋季大会.
  • Yamada, Y., C. Kodama, A. T. Noda, M. Satoh, M. Nakano, T. Miyakawa, H. Yashiro, T. Nasuno (2021): Evaluating performances of one-year simulation by using 3.5 km mesh global nonhydrostatic model. EGU General Assembly 2021.
  • Takasuka, D., T. Kohyama, H. Miura, T. Suematsu (2022): MJO Initiation Triggered by Amplification of Upper-tropospheric Dry Mixed Rossby-gravity Waves. AMS2022.
  • 中野満寿男, 鈴木立郎, 渡辺真吾, 鈴木雄治郎 (2022): トンガ噴火を想定した気象津波の全球数値実験. JpGU Meeting 2022. (invited)
  • Takasuka, D., T. Suematsu, and H. Miura (2022): What determines the timing of MJO propagation into the western Pacific?. JpGU Meeting 2022.
  • Takasuka, D., C. Kodama, T. Suematsu, T. Seiki, T. Ohno, H. Yashiro, H. Miura, A. T. Noda, Y. Yamada, M. Nakano, T. Nasuno, T. Miyakawa (2022): Improvement of NICAM toward the achievement of global cloud-resolving climate simulations. 3rd PAN-GASS meeting understanding and moreling atmospheric processes.
  • Takasuka, D., C. Kodama, T. Suematsu, Y. Takano, T. Seiki, T. Ohno, H. Yashiro, H. Miura, A. T. Noda, Y. Yamada, M. Nakano, T. Nasuno, T. Miyakawa, and R. Masunaga (2022): Progress and Challenges on High-Resolution Atmospheric Modeling with NICAM. Modelling the Climate System at Ultra-High-Resolution workshop (WCRP/ESMO activity).
  • Takasuka, D., T. Miyakawa, C. Kodama, T. Suematsu, Y. Takano, T. Seiki, T. Ohno, H. Yashiro, H. Miura, A. T. Noda, Y. Yamada, M. Nakano, T. Nasuno, and R. Masunaga (2022): Recent Progress and Challenges on Global sub-5km mesh Model Experiments from the Sub-seasonal to Climate Scales. 6th WGNE workshop on systematic erros in weather and climate models.
  • 高須賀大輔, 末松環, 三浦裕亮 (2022): MJOの西太平洋への伝播プロセスは決定論的か?. 日本気象学会2022年度秋季大会.
  • 山田洋平, 宮川知己, 中野満寿男, 小玉知央, 高須賀大輔, 山崎哲, 八代尚, 那須野智江, 杉正人, 佐藤正樹 (2022): 大アンサンブル実験を用いた台風発生ポテンシャルの評価. 日本気象学会2022年度秋季大会.
  • 高野雄紀, 小玉知央, 中野満寿男, 三浦裕亮 (2022): 高解像度大気海洋結合モデルNICOCOでのENSOの再現性. 日本気象学会2022年度秋季大会.
  • Takasuka, D., T. Suematsu, and H. Miura (2022): Is the Process of MJO Propagation into the Western Pacific Deterministic?. AGU fall meeting 2022.
  • Watanabe, S., K. Hamilton, T. Sakazaki, and M. Nakano, (2022): First detection of the Pekeris internal global atmospheric resonance: Evidence from the 2022 Tonga eruption and from global reanalysis data. JpGU2022 (poster).
  • Watanabe, S., K. Hamilton, T. Sakazaki, and M. Nakano, (2022): First detection of the Pekeris internal global atmospheric resonance: Evidence from the 2022 Tonga eruption and from global reanalysis data. 7th SPARC General Assembly (poster).
  • 中野満寿男、渡辺真吾 (2022): 全球非静力学モデルで再現された圧力波動伝搬. 日本気象学会2022年秋季大会.
  • 鈴木立郎・中野満寿男・渡辺慎吾・建部洋晶 (2022): トンガの火山噴火により発生したラム波とペケリス波による気象津波の増幅メカニズムについて. 日本気象学会2022年秋季大会.
  • Watanabe, S., K. Hamilton, T. Sakazaki, and M. Nakano (2022): 2022年トンガ火山噴火と全球再解析データから地球大気の内部共鳴振動「Pekerisモード」を初めて検出. 日本気象学会2022年度秋季大会.
  • 鈴木立郎・中野満寿男・渡辺慎吾・建部洋晶 (2022): 2022年1月15日のトンガの火山噴火により発生した気象津波の増幅メカニズムについて. 日本海洋学会秋季大会.
  • Watanabe, S., K. Hamilton, T. Sakazaki, and M. Nakano (2022): Observations Following the 2022 Hunga Tonga Eruption Reveal a Long Sought-after Global Resonance of the Atmosphere. AOGS2022.
  • C. Kodama, H. Yashiro, T. Suematsu, D. Takasuka, Y. Takano, Y. Yamada, R. Masunaga, S. Matsugishi, T. Arakawa, T. Seiki, M. Nakano, H. Miura, M. Satoh, T. Ohno, A. Noda, W. Roh, T. Nasuno, and T. Miyakawa (2023): Global cloud-resolving simulations with NICAM on the supercomputer Fugaku. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23).
  • C. Kodama, H. Yashiro, T. Suematsu, D. Takasuka, Y. Takano, R. Masunaga, Y. Yamada, S. Matsugishi, T. Arakawa, M. Nakano, H. Miura, T. Seiki, A. T. Noda, M. Satoh, T. Ohno, T. Nasuno, T. Miyakawa (2023): Global cloud-resolving simulations with NICAM on the supercomputer Fugaku. AOGS2023, Singapore.
  • Y. Yamada, M. Nakano, T. Miyakawa, C. Kodama, D. Takasuka, T. Nasuno, A. Yamazaki, H. Yashiro, M. Sugi, M. Satoh (2023): Evaluating the relationship between tropical cyclone genesis frequency and environmental conditions by using a NICAM large ensemble simulation,. AOGS2023, Singapore.
  • Y. Yamada, M. Nakano, T. Miyakawa, C. Kodama, D. Takasuka, T. Nasuno, A. Yamazaki, H. Yashiro, M. Sugi, M. Satoh (2023): A large ensemble simulation for seasonal scale tropical cyclone activity by a nonhydrostatic model. 6th International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Numerical Models.
  • Nakano, M (2023): Towards seasonal TC forecasting using NICOCO. ICCP-GSRA Workshop 2023 (poster).
  • 中野 満寿男、大塚 成徳、渡辺 真吾 (2023): 2022年1月15日のフンガトンガ・フンガハアパイ火山噴火で励起された気圧波動伝搬の全球数値シミュレーション. JpGU2023.
  • Nakano, M., Y-W. Chen, M. Satoh (2023): Analysis of the Factors that Led to Uncertainty of Track Forecast of Typhoon Krosa (2019) by 101-Member Ensemble Forecast Experiments Using NICAM. The 6th International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Models (NHM-WS 2023).
  • 中野満寿男, 山田洋平, 升永竜介, 高野雄記, 高須賀大輔, 小玉知央, 那須野智江, 山崎哲 (2023): NICOCOを用いた台風季節予測実験. 日本気象学会2023年秋季大会.
  • Nakano, M., Y. Yamada, R. Masunaga, Y. Takano, D. Takasuka, C. Kodama, T. Nasuno, A. Yamazaki (2023): Typhoon seasonal forecasting by a high-resolution coupled GCM (NICOCO). 1st IWTRC.
  • 中野満寿男, 山田洋平, 升永竜介, 高野雄記, 高須賀大輔, 小玉知央, 那須野智江, 山崎哲 (2023): NICOCOを用いた台風季節予測実験. 異常気象研究会2023.
  • C. Kodama, H. Yashiro, T. Arakawa, D. Takasuka, S. Matsugishi, and H. Tomita (2024): Parallelized remapping algorithms for km-scale global weather and climate simulations with icosahedral grid system. International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPCAsia 2024).
  • Y. Yamada, M. Nakano, T. Miyakawa, C. Kodama, D. Takasuka, T. Nasuno, A. Yamazaki, H. Yashiro, M. Sugi, M. Satoh (2024): Evaluating the relationship between tropical cyclone genesis frequency and environmental conditions by using a large ensemble simulation with 14-km mesh NICAM. The New York Meeting on Tropical Cyclones and Global Storm-Resolving Analysis(online).


  • Hung, C.-S. and H. Miura (2021): Ensemble of RCE simulations near the marginal boundary between aggregated and scattered regimes. Non-linear dynamic Seminar at Hokkaido University.
  • Hung, C.-S. and H. Miura (2021): A study on the key processes controlling the self-aggregation of clouds in convection-permitting simulations. The 7th MJO Seminar.
  • Hung, C.-S., H. Miura, J.‐D. Huang, and C.‐M. Wu (2021): The different pathways to self-aggregation between SCALE and VVM. JpGU Meeting 2021.
  • Hung, C.-S., H. Miura, J.‐D. Huang, and C.‐M. Wu (2021): Convective self-aggregation in radiative-convective equilibrium: a comparison study between SCALE and VVM. The 12th Tropical Meteorology Workshop.
  • Hung, C.-S. and H. Miura (2021): Ensemble of Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Simulations near the Aggregated and Scattered Boundary. 日本気象学会2021年度春季大会.
  • 佐藤優花 (2021): 線状降水帯の発生条件に関する研究の予備調査. 第7回マッデンジュリアン振動研究会.
  • 佐藤優花,神山翼 (2021): 大気太陰潮汐による降水微小変動現象のメカニズム検証. 日本気象学会2021年度春季大会.
  • 佐藤優花,高野雄紀,渡邊正太郎 (2021): 機械学習を用いた気象庁天気図の前線を再現する自動化手法の開発. 日本気象学会2021年度秋季大会.
  • 山上遥航, 渡部雅浩, 森正人, 小野純 (2021): バレンツ-カラ海の海氷減少トレンドを駆動するガルフストリーム域の昇温. 2021年度日本海洋学会秋季大会.
  • Yamagami, Y., M. Watanabe, M. Mori, J. Ono (2021): Barents-Kara sea-ice decrease caused by sea surface warming in the Gulf Stream. WCRP workshop on attribution of multi-annual to decadal changes in the climate system.
  • 関口 美保, 栗原 礼子, 眞子 直弘, 高木 征弘, 佐川 英夫, 松田 佳久 (2021): 金星大気対応広帯域放射伝達モデルMstrn-Venusの開発(その2). 日本気象学会2021年度春季大会.
  • 関口 美保, 石 崇, 橋本 真喜子, 中島 映至 (2021): 気候変動観測衛星『しきさい』の観測データを用いたエアロゾルと海色の同時推定法の解析と検証. 日本気象学会2021年度秋季大会.
  • Sekiguchi, M., M. Hashimoto, H. Takenaka, C. Shi, and T. Nakajima (2021): Simultaneous retrieval of aerosols and ocean color parameters using GCOM-C/SGLI data. JpGU Meeting 2021.
  • Sekiguchi, M., R. Kurihara, N. Manago, M. Takagi, H. Sagawa, and Y. Matsuda (2021): A development of a broadband radiative transfer model “Mstrn-Venus” for Venus atmosphere. JpGU Meeting 2021.
  • 佐藤 陽祐, 稲津 將,勝山 祐太,丹治星河,近藤 誠 (2021): 気象モデルSCALEを用いた北海道を対象とした降雪研究. 雪氷研究大会2021.
  • 関口 美保, 橋本 真喜子, 竹中 栄晶, 中島 映至 (2021): 気候変動観測衛星『しきさい』の観測データを用いた多波長多ピクセル法の解析と検証. 日本気象学会2021年度春季大会.
  • M. Momoi, H. Irie, M. Sekiguchi, T. Nakajima, and H. Takenaka (2021): RSTAR/WV-CKD: Development of the look-up table of the k-distribution in the gas absorption region around 940 nm for the sky-radiometer data analysis. 6th International SKYNET Workshop, online hosted by Chiba University.
  • M. Momoi, H. Irie, T. Nakajima, and M. Sekiguchi (2021): PSTAR/Pn-IMS: Efficient calculation of sky radiative intensity including the polarization effect in moderately thick atmospheres using a truncation approximation. 6th International SKYNET Workshop, online hosted by Chiba University.
  • Hiroaki Miura (2021): A Conservative and Consistent Remapping of Moisture on the Icosahedral Mesh. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2021.
  • 三浦裕亮 (2021): 正20面体格子へのポアッソンソルバーの実装. 2021年度気象学会秋季大会,.
  • 三浦裕亮 (2021): DNA気候学への挑戦: 1年目の総括と次の目標. 第2回雲解像気候学ワークショップ.
  • 三浦裕亮 (2021): 気候モデルMIROCの高度化研究: 進捗と目標. 第2回雲解像気候学ワークショップ.
  • Ching-Shu Hung, and Hiroaki Miura (2021): Ensemble of Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Simulations near the Marginal Boundary between Aggregated and Scattered Regimes,. 2021 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, .
  • 佐藤優花, 三浦裕亮 (2021): 線状降水帯の発生条件に関する研究の予備調査. 第7回マッデン・ジュリアン振動研究会.
  • Yamagami, Y., M. Watanabe, M. Mori, J. Ono (2022): Barents-Kara sea-ice decrease attributed to sea surface warming in the Gulf Stream region. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022.
  • 山上遥航,渡部雅浩,森正人,小野 純 (2022): CMIP6モデルにおけるバレンツ-カラ海の海氷減少とガルフストリーム域の昇温との関係. JpGU Meeting 2022.
  • 山上遥航,鈴木立郎,建部洋晶 (2022): 渦解像海洋大循環モデルにおける西インド沿岸域での海面高度変動. 2022年度日本海洋学会秋季大会.
  • 山上遥航、渡部雅浩、森正人、小野純 (2022): メキシコ湾流の昇温とバレンツ-カラ海の海氷減少. 日本気象学会2022年度秋季大会.
  • Yamagami, Y., M. Watanabe, M. Mori, J. Ono (2022): Surface Warming in the Gulf Stream Region Explains Barents-Kara Sea-Ice Decrease. AGU Fall Meeting 2022.
  • 桃井 裕広, 入江 仁士, 中島 映至, 関口 美保 (2022): 切断近似による偏光放射伝達の効率的計算法の開発. 日本気象学会2022年度春季大会.
  • 関口 美保 (2022): 広帯域放射伝達モデル Mstrn の気体吸収過程の更新(その1). 日本気象学会2022年度春季大会.
  • 関口 美保 (2022): The development of gas absorption process in Broadband model Mstrn11. JpGU Meeting 2022.
  • M. Momoi, H. Irie, T. Nakajima, M. Sekiguchi, P. Litvinov, and O. Dubovik (2022): Efficient calculation of Stokes radiance vector including solar aureole regions in plane-parallel atmospheres. Third Advancement of POLarimetric Observations (APOLO-2022) Conference,Hybrid.
  • M. Sekiguchi, and T. Nakajima (2022): Improvements of the Optimized Radiation Scheme “MstrnX”. AMS Collective Madison Meeting.
  • 関口 美保 (2022): 広帯域放射伝達モデル Mstrn の気体吸収過程の更新(その2). 日本気象学会 2022年度秋季大会.
  • M. Momoi, P. Litvinov, S. Zhai, A. Lopatin, M. Sekiguchi, T. Nakajima, T. Lapionak, and O. Dubovik (2022): Comparison of efficient computation methods for the polarized plane-parallel radiative transfer including solar aureole regions using the GRASP platform. 2022 AGU Fall meeting, Chicago.
  • 佐藤陽祐、平田憲、稲津將、関口美保 (2022): 気象モデルSCALEへの3次元放射伝達モデルの実装. 日本気象学会2022年度秋季大会.
  • 加藤真奈、佐藤陽祐、近藤誠 (2022): 北海道の過去の大雪事例における降雪粒子の密度に関する数値的研究. 日本気象学会北海道支部2022年度第2回研究発表会(支部発表賞受賞).
  • Hiroaki Miura, Yuki Takano, Chihiro Kodama, Tamaki Suematsu, and Daisuke Takasuka: (2022): Collaboration between a high-resolution modeling and an existing climate modeling groups for a global 1-km scale earth system model. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
  • Hiroaki Miura (2022): Activities in DNA Climate science project and development of a new B-grid dynamical core on the icosahedral mesh. Atmosphere in the Earth System Seminar,Max Planck Institute for Meteorology.
  • Hiroaki Miura (2022): Ongoing progresses of DNA Climate Science Project. DNA (Deep Numerical Analysis) Climate Science Meeting.
  • Ching-Shu Hung, and Hiroaki Miura: (2022): Self-Aggregation of Clouds in Convection-Permitting Simulations. 第1回大気水圏科学研究集会, 2022-03-22, Tokyo, Ochanomizu University.
  • Ching-Shu Hung, and Hiroaki Miura: (2022): Ensemble of RCE Simulations near the Sharp Marginal Transition Zone between Aggregated and Scattered Regimes,. Workshop on the Self-Aggregation of Clouds under the Radiative-Convective Equilibrium, 2022-03-09, online.
  • Ching-Shu Hung, and Hiroaki Miura: (2022): Convective Self-Aggregation under Imposed Large-Scale Upward Motion. 大気海洋力学セミナー, 2022-03-04, Japan, Kyushu University.
  • Yuka Sato, Hiroaki Miura (2022): Analysis of conditional symmetric instability in Senjo-Kousuitai (line-shape heavy precipitation) events. UTokyo-NTU Workshop on Atmospheric Convection,.
  • 佐藤優花, 三浦裕亮, 新野宏 (2022): 線状降水帯の形成に関わる大規模不安定場の解析. 日本気象学会2022年度秋季大会.
  • 佐藤優花, 三浦裕亮 (2022): 線状降水帯の形成要因の考察. 気象夏の学校.
  • 佐藤優花, 三浦裕亮 (2022): 湿潤絶対不安定(MAUL)に着目した線状降水帯の形成要因の考察. 大気海洋力学セミナー.
  • 佐藤優花, 高野雄紀, 渡邊正太郎 (2022): 低気圧傾域における気象庁天気図前線を再現する機械学習モデルの開発. 日本気象学会2022年度秋季大会.
  • 橋本恵一, Hung Ching-Shu, 三浦裕亮 (2022): Resolution and domain size dependence of cloud self-aggregation simulations in radiative-convective equilibrium systems. 日本地球惑星科学連合大会.
  • Yamagami, Y., H. Tatebe, T. Kataoka, T. Suzuki, M. Watanabe (2023): Impacts of Oceanic Mesoscale Structures on Simulating Sea Surface Temperature in the Arabian Sea and Indian Summer Monsoon. AOGS2023 20th Annual Meeting.
  • 桃井 裕広, 中島 映至, 関口 美保, 大方 めぐみ (2023): 切断近似を用いた3次元放射場の効率的な輝度計算. 日本気象学会2023年春季大会.
  • 関口 美保, 橋本 真喜子, 中島 映至 (2023): 衛星観測データを用いた多波長多ピクセル法による大気エアロゾルの解析精度の改善. 日本気象学会2023年春季大会.
  • 大野 梨野花, Ching-Shu Hung, 関口 美保, 三浦 裕亮 (2023): 放射モデルMstrn11のMIROC6への実装と水惑星実験による初期検証. 日本気象学会2023年春季大会.
  • 関口 美保, 橋本 真喜子, 中島 映至 (2023): 多波長多ピクセルの衛星データを同時に用いたエアロゾル推定アルゴリズムの更新. JpGU Meeting 2023.
  • 大野 梨野花, Ching-Shu Hung, 関口 美保, 三浦 裕亮 (2023): Implementation of the radiative transfer model Mstrn11 on MIROC6 and initial validation by aquaplanet experiments. JpGU Meeting 2023.
  • 関口 美保 (2023): 広帯域放射伝達モデルMstrnの気体吸収過程の更新と検証. 日本気象学会2023年秋季大会.
  • 加藤真奈、佐藤陽祐 (2023): 北海道の過去の大雪事例における降雪粒子の密度に関する研究. JpGU2023 Annual Meeting.
  • 小長井佑馬、佐藤陽祐 (2023): トマムの雲海が観測された日の特性と雲海予報に関する考察. 日本気象学会北海道支部2023年度第1回研究発表会.
  • Hiroaki Miura, Rinoka Ono, Ching-Shu Hung, Miho Sekiguchi (2023): Update of MSTRNX to MSTRN11 in MIROC climate model and its verification in the aquaplanet experiments. The Joint CFMIP-GASS Meeting on Cliud, Precipitation, Circulation & Climate Sensitivity.
  • Hiroaki Miura, Chihiro Kodama, Yuki Takano, Daisuke Takasuka, and Tamaki Suematsu (2023): Deep Numerical Analysis (DNA) climate project: Creating a framework for the matching between short and long time-scale climate. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023.
  • Hiroaki Miura (2023): Collaboration between a high-resolution modeling and an existing climate modeling groups for a global O(km) scale earth system model. NTU-UTokyo Workshop on Atmospheric Convection.
  • 三浦裕亮 (2023): 全球雲/“嵐”解像モデル研究の退屈じゃない方向性について. 第8回マッデン・ジュリアン振動研究会.
  • 佐藤優花, 三浦裕亮, 新野宏, 高野雄紀 (2023): 潜在不安定指標を用いた線状降水帯顕著事例の分類. 2023年度気象学会春季大会.
  • 佐藤優花, 三浦裕亮 (2023): 線状降水帯の顕著な3事例に関する潜在的不安定場の解析. 第2回大気水圏科学研究会.
  • Yuka Sato, Hiroaki Miura (2023): Analyses of potential instabilities for severe Senjo-Kousuitai precipitation events. NTU-UTokyo Workshop on Atmospheric Convection.
  • 佐藤優花, 三浦裕亮 (2023): 線状降水帯顕著事例を対象とした潜在不安定解析. 第8回MJO研究会.
  • 上野和雅, 橋本恵一, 神野拓哉, 高野雄紀, (2023): 量子コンピュータの気象学への適用性調査. 2023年度日本気象学会秋季大会.
  • 橋本恵一, 羽島知洋, 建部洋晶, 片岡崇人, 三浦裕亮, (2023): 地球システムモデルMIROC-ES2LにおけるENSO表現と動的陸上植生の関係, . 日本気象学会2023年度秋季大会(日本気象学会 松野賞 受賞).
  • Keiichi Hashimoto, Tomohiro Hajima, and Hiroaki Miura, (2023): Representation of biogeophysical processes in South America in the earth system model MIROC-ES2L. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023.


  • Suematsu T., and H. Miura (2021): Modulation of eastward moving speed of the Madden-Julian Oscillation by the fluctuation of the Walker circulation strength. 第7回マッデン・ジュリアン振動研究会.
  • Suematsu T., and H. Miura (2021): NICAM-AMIP実験で再現された季節内振動の特徴について. 2nd cloud resolving climate workshop.
  • Suematsu, T., T. Yanase, H. Miura, and M. Satoh (2021): A consecutive development of MJO events reproduced by three-months SST-forced experiments with NICAM. JpGU Meeting 2021. (invited)
  • Chen, Y.-W., M. Satoh, C. Kodama, A. T. Noda, and Y. Yamada (2021): High Cloud Annual Variation and Its Responses to Global Warming in the NICAM AMIP Experiment. AOGS 18th Annual Meeting.
  • Chen, Y.-W., M. Satoh, C. Kodama, A. T. Noda, and Y. Yamada (2021): Projection of high clouds and its link to ice hydrometeors: An approach using long-term global cloud-system resolving simulations. 第12回熱帯気象研究会.
  • Kajikawa, Y (2021): Challenge to the New Generation Computational Climate Science Research. The 11th Kobe University Brussels European Centre Symposium.
  • Suematsu, T., and Hiroaki Miura (2021): A Review of the Variability of the Propagation Speed of the MJO and a New Perspective Associated with the Walker Circulation. 102nd American Meteorological Society Meeting.
  • Suematsu, T., C. Kodama, Y. Yamada, H. Miura, D. Takasuka, and T. Miyakawa (2021): Microphysics dependency in 3.5km NICAM DYAMOND phase 2 experiments. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021.
  • Suematsu, T., Y. Yamada, C. Kodama, T. Miyakawa, H. Miura, and M. Satoh (2021): Microphysics dependency on the reproducibility of the MJO in the DYAMOND winter phase experiment on NICAM. JpGU Meeting 2021.
  • Suematsu, T., Y. Yamada, C. Kodama, and T. Miyakawa (2021): A comparison of the microphysics dependency on the reproducibility of the MJO under different resolutions using NICAM. European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2021.
  • Yokoi, S. (2021): Observational study on boundary-layer moist static energy budget over the tropical Indo-Pacific warm pool domain.. JpGU Meeting 2021.
  • 末松環,小玉知央,山田洋平,三浦裕亮,高須賀大輔,宮川知己 (2021): NICAM-DYAMOND2実験で再現されたMJOの雲微物理依存性について. 気象学会2021年度秋季大会.
  • 梶川義幸 (2021): 気候システム評価手法開発に向けた解析:進捗と目標. 2nd cloud resolving climate workshop.
  • 横井 覚 (2021): インドネシア海大陸域における降水日変化研究. 水文・水資源学会/日本水文科学会2021年度研究発表会.
  • 横井 覚 (2021): 船舶定点観測データを用いたインド洋ー太平洋暖水域における大気境界層エネルギー収支解析. 日本気象学会2021年度秋季大会.
  • Suematsu.T., H. Miura, C. Kodama, D. Takasuka (2022): Deceleration of MJO Speed Associated with Overly Strong Walker Circulation in a NICAM-AMIP Simulation. JPGU Meeting 2022.
  • Chen, Y.-W., 佐藤 正樹, 小玉 知央, 野田 暁, 山田 洋平 (2022): Projection of high clouds and its link to ice hydrometeors: An approach by using long-term global cloud-system resolving simulations. JPGU Meeting 2022.
  • Suematsu.T., H. Miura, C. Kodama, D. Takasuka (2022): Characteristics of the MJO to investigate in NICAM climate simulations . NICAM気候データ解析研究集会.
  • Suematsu, T., C. Kodama, Y. Yamada., H. Miura, D. Takasuka, T. Miyakawa (2022): Microphysics dependency on the reproducibility of the MJO in the NICAM DYAMOND 2 experiment. 3rd PAN-GASS meeting understanding and moreling atmospheric processes .
  • Suematsu, T., K. Nakai, T. Yoneda, D. Takasuka, T. Jinno, Y. Saiki, H. Miura (2022): Machine learning prediction of the Madden-Julian Oscillation using reservoir computing. UTokyo-NTU Workshop on Atmospheric Convection.
  • Suematsu.T., H. Miura, C. Kodama, D. Takasuka (2022): Characteristics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation reproduced in a NICAM-AMIP type simulation. AGU fall meeting 2022.
  • Yokoi, S., K. Yoneyama, R. Shirooka, E. O. Cayanan, and C. O. Iglesia (2022): Observational study on multi-scale variability of precipitation in the northwestern coastal area of Luzon Island, the Philippines: Results of YMC-BSM 2018 field campaign. JPGU Meeting 2022. (invited)
  • Kajikawa, Y. and T. Yamaura (2022): Topographic and resolution impact on the convection over the Philippine islands. . AOGS 19th annual meeting.
  • 横井 覚,梶川 義幸 (2022): 全球雲解像気候モデルによる熱帯沿岸域降水日変化の再現性検証. 日本気象学会2022年度秋季大会.
  • 横井 覚 (2022): インド洋-太平洋暖水域における大気境界層熱・水収支過程の観測的研究. 大気の不安定現象に関するワークショップ.
  • Chen, Y.-W., M. Satoh, C. Kodama, A. T. Noda, and Y. Yamada (2022): Projection of high clouds and its link to ice hydrometeors: An approach by using long-term global cloud-system resolving simulations. JPGU Meeting 2022.
  • Kajikawa, Y. (2023): Monsoon onset mechanism and its reproducibility in global climate models (モンスーンオンセットのメカニズムと全球気候モデルにおける再現性). 気象学会2023年度秋季大会.(招待講演)
  • Suematsu T. , Nakai K., Yoneda. T., Takasuka, D., Jinno, T., Saiki, Y., and Miura (2023): On the diversity of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and its relationship with the Walker circulation. 気象学会2023年度秋季大会.(招待講演)
  • Yokoi, S., and Y. Kajikawa (2023): Reproducibility of precipitation diurnal cycle over tropical coastal regions in climate simulations of a global atmospheric cloud-system resolving model. JpGU Meeting 2023.
  • Kajikawa, Y. and T. Yamaura (2023): Topographic and resolution impact on the convection over the Philippine islands.. JpGU Meeting 2023.
  • 横井 覚, 梶川 義幸 (2023): 人工衛星および船舶観測データを用いた全球雲解像気候モデルの熱帯沿岸降水日変化再現性の検証. 気象学会2023年度秋季大会.
  • 末松環、三浦裕亮、小玉知央、山田洋平 (2023): DYAMOND2 におけるMJO の再現性の雲微物理依存性について. 第9回マッデン・ジュリアン振動研究会.
  • Tamaki Suematsu, Angel Peinado, Daisuke Takasuka, Ching-Shu Hung, Yoshiyuki Kajikawa, Daniel Klocke, Hiroaki Miura, Hirofumi Tomita (2023): Preliminary results from Imaginary DYAMOND3: an aquaplanet cloud-resolving model intercomparison project. CFMIP-GASS 2023.
  • Kajikawa, Y. (2023): What causes the timing of monsoon onset in observation and global climate models? . The International Workshop on Climate, Water, Land, and Life in Monsoon Asia.
  • Yokoi, S (2023): Variability in coastal precipitation over tropical Asian monsoon regions. The International Workshop on Climate, Water, Land, and Life in Monsoon Asia.
  • Suematsu, T., K. Nakai, T. Yoneda, D. Takasuka, T. Jinno, Y. Saiki, H. Miura (2023): Madden-Julian Oscillation prediction using machine learning. 第8回マッデン・ジュリアン振動研究会.


  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2020): ラージエディシミュレーションで必要とされる力学コアの離散精度に関する研究. 日本気象学会 2020 年度秋季大会.
  • 久住空広, 升本順夫 (2020): アラビア海⻄部のソマリア沖海域における夏季 SST変動への年周期ロスビー波の影響. 日本海洋学会秋季大会.
  • Takahiro Kusumi, Yukio Masumoto (2020): Interannual variations of the sea surface temperature in the Somalia upwelling region during the summer monsoon. Workshop: Approaches for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Environmental Studies in Asia-Oceania(online).
  • Takuya Jinno, Hiroaki Miura (2020): Theoretical and Statistical Analysis of Deep Convection Based on Canonical Ensemble Framework,. American Geophysical Union 2020 Fall Meeting.
  • 神野拓哉, 三浦裕亮 (2020): カノニカル分布の枠組みに基づく3次元放射対流平衡システムの統計的解析. 第一回雲解像気候学ワークショップ.
  • 山崎一哉 (2020): スーパーパラメタリゼーションの実装と改良. 第一回雲解像気候学ワークショップ.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2020): 大気境界層LESにおける高精度力学コアの必要性について. 第一回雲解像気候学ワークショップ.
  • Jinno, T. and H. Miura (2021): Statistical Analysis of Cumulus Convection in Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Based on Canonical Ensemble Framework. JpGU Meeting 2021.
  • 神野拓哉, 三浦裕亮 (2021): カノニカルアンサンブルの枠組みに基づく放射対流平衡における積雲対流の統計的性質. 日本気象学会2021年度春季大会.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2021): 不連続ガラーキン法を用いた大気境界層乱流のラージエディシミュレーション. 日本気象学会2021年度春季大会.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2021): 不連続ガラーキン法を用いた大気境界層乱流のラージエディシミュレーション. JpGU Meeting 2021.
  • 山崎一哉, 三浦裕亮 (2021): スーパーパラメタリゼーションにおける熱帯低気圧の再現性. 日本気象学会2021年度春季大会.
  • 山崎一哉, 三浦裕亮 (2021): ひまわり8号におけるRGB合成画像の高解像度化. 日本気象学会2021年度秋季大会.
  • 山崎一哉, 三浦裕亮 (2021): MIROCへのスーパーパラメタリゼーションの実装と初期評価. 日本気象学会2021年度秋季大会.
  • Kawai, Y., K. Sueki and H. Tomita (2021): A study on the impact of advection schemes on convergence of convective updraft ensembles with respect to the grid spacing. The Fifth Convective-Permitting Modeling Workshop 2021.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2021): 高解像度大気計算における力学スキームの離散精度の影響に関する研究. 日本気象学会2021年度秋季大会. (invited)
  • 神野拓哉, 三浦裕亮 (2021): 放射対流平衡実験における積雲対流強度の頻度分布. 第7回マッデンジュリアン振動研究会.
  • Seow, MXC., MEE. Hassim, V. Prasanna and T. Tozuka (2021): Atmospheric impacts of local versus remote sea surface temperature anomalies during wintertime strong South China Sea cold tongue events. AOGS 18th Meeting 2021.
  • 山崎一哉 (2021): MIROCスーパーパラメタリゼーションでのMJOの再現性. 第7回マッデンジュリアン振動研究会.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2021): 全球大気 LES に向けた力学コアの必要精度に関する研究. 第2回先端的データ同化と巨大アンサンブル手法に関する研究会.
  • 久住 空広, 升本順夫 (2021): Interannual variability in sea surface temperature off Somalia in boreal summer – Similarities and differences between “Warm year” and “Cold year”–. 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会.
  • 神野拓哉, 三浦裕亮 (2021): 放射対流平衡における積雲対流のカノニカルアンサンブルの枠組みに基づく統計的解析. 第一回挑戦的モデル班研究会.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2021): 不連続ガラーキン法を用いた全球大気力学コアの開発. 第 2 回雲解像気候学ワークショップ.
  • Takuro Matsuta, Yukio Masumoto (2021): Eddy mean flow interactions and vertical energy redistribution associated with the standing meander in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. JpGU Meeting 2021.
  • 松田拓朗, 升本順夫 (2021): 南極周極流にローレンツ・ダイアグラムを適用する際の問題点. 2021年度日本海洋学会秋季大会,.
  • Kawai, Y. and H. Tomita (2022): Investigation of numerical errors with the Discontinuous Galerkin method for atmospheric high-resolution simulations. The 4th R-CCS International Symposium.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2022): 不連続ガラーキン法を用いた大気ラージエディシミュレーション: 数値誤差に関する指標の導出. 日本気象学会 2022 年度春季大会.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2022): 大気ラージエディシミュレーションにおける不連続ガラーキン法の数値誤差の影響に関する研究. 日本気象学会 2022 年度春季大会.
  • 山崎一哉, 三浦裕亮 (2022): MIROCにおけるスーパーパラメタリゼーションの改良. 日本気象学会 2022 年度春季大会.
  • 山崎一哉, 塚田大河 (2022): 静止気象衛星の視差を利用したトンガ噴煙高度の推定. JpGU Meeting 2022.
  • Jinno, T. and H. Miura (2022): Quantitative analysis of cloud self-organization using Shannon’s information entropy: results from radiative-convective equilibrium experiments. JpGU Meeting 2022.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2022): 不連続ガラーキン法を用いた大気モデルの開発: 湿潤過程の導入. 日本気象学会 2022 年度秋季大会.
  • Jinno, T. and H. Miura (2022): Quantitative analysis of cloud self-organization using Shannon’s information entropy: results from radiative-convective equilibrium experiments. 3rd Pan-GASS Meeting, Understanding and Modeling Atmospheric Processes.
  • Kawai, Y., Tomita, H (2022): A development of an atmospheric model using the discontinuous Galerkin method: Inclusion of moist process. DNA気候学 夏の勉強会.
  • 神野拓哉, 三浦裕亮 (2022): シャノンの情報エントロピーを用いた雲の自己組織化の定量解析:放射対流平衡実験における結果. 大気海洋力学セミナー.
  • 山崎一哉 (2022): Super-parameterized MIROC: Performance and problem. DNA Climate Science Meeting.
  • Kawai, Y., Tomita, H (2022): A study on discontinuous Galerkin method for future high-resolution atmospheric simulations. DNA Climate Science Meeting.
  • 久住 空広, 升本順夫 (2022): Coalescences of the Southern Gyre with the Great Whirl in the western Arabian Sea in a regional ocean model. JpGU Meeting 2022.
  • 寺田雄亮, 升本順夫 (2022): Quantitative Evaluation of Tropical Ocean Waves from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean through the Indonesian Seas. JpGU Meeting 2022.
  • 寺田雄亮, 升本順夫 (2022): 西岸境界における赤道波動エネルギーの沈み込み. 日本海洋学会秋季大会.
  • Takahiro Kusumi, Yukio Masumoto (2022): The role of the anticyclonic eddy shed from the separation point of the western boundary current. Workshop: Approaches for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Environmental Studies in Asia-Oceania.
  • Yusuke Terada (2022): Downward propagation of equatorial intraseasonal waves from the western boundary. Approaches for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Environmental Studies in Asia-Oceania.
  • 久住 空広, 升本順夫 (2022): 赤道を横切る西岸境界流の離岸に伴う高気圧性渦の役割. 「微細規模から惑星規模にかけての海洋力学過程と規模間相互作用の研究」研究集会.
  • Kawai, Y. and H. Tomita (2023): A Study on Numerical Accuracy of Dynamical Core Necessary for Large-Eddy Simulation of Planetary Boundary Layer Turbulence. 103rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting.
  • 山崎一哉 (2023): 気候モデルに雲解像モデルを埋め込んだSP-MIROCの研究. 第8回MJO研究会.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2023): 不連続ガラーキン法を用いた大気力学コア SCALE-DG (仮). 富岳 NEXT FS 気象気候会合.
  • Kazuya Yamazaki (2023): Super-parameterized MIROC With blockwise coupling. NTU-UTokyo Workshop on Atmospheric Convection.
  • 山崎一哉 (2023): 赤道ケルビン波のモデル表現に関する研究. 大気水圏科学研究集会.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2023): 地形を考慮した不連続ガラーキン法に基づく大気力学コアの開発. 日本気象学会 2023 年度春季大会.
  • Yusuke Terada, Yukio Masumoto (2023): Interannual variation of the intraseasonal variability at 1000m depth in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. JpGU Meeting 2023.
  • Takuya Jinno, Hiroaki Miura (2023): The relationship between convective self-aggregation and cloud vertical mass flux distribution in cloud-resolving simulations. JpGU Meeting 2023.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2023): 不連続ガラーキン法を用いた非静力学大気力学コアの開発: 地形の考慮. JpGU Meeting 2023.
  • 久住 空広, 升本順夫 (2023): Distinct wind stress pattern causing the two-gyre structure in the Somali Current during boreal summer. JpGU Meeting 2023.
  • Yusuke Terada, Yukio Masumoto (2023): Interannual variation of the intraseasonal variability at 1000m depth in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. 28th IUGG general Assembly.
  • 寺田雄亮 (2023): 赤道太平洋中層における層状循環の駆動. 海洋若手研究集会.
  • Kawai, Y., Tomita (2023): Development of a global atmospheric nonhydrostatic dynamical core using discontinuous Galerkin method. The 6th International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Models (NHM-WS 2023).
  • 久住 空広, 升本順夫 (2023): ソマリア沖海域の⾼気性渦「Southern Gyre」の経年変動に伴う夏季海⾯⽔温偏差とその⼒学過程. 日本海洋学会秋季大会.
  • 神野拓哉, 三浦裕亮 (2023): シャノンエントロピーによる雲の自己組織化の評価 再解析・理想実験データへの適用. 第9回MJO研究会.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2023): 不連続 Galerkin 法に基づく全球力学コアのテスト計算. 第9回MJO研究会.
  • 河合佑太, 富田浩文 (2023): 不連続ガラーキン法を用いた全球大気力学コアの妥当性の検証. 日本気象学会 2023 年度秋季大会.
  • 寺田雄亮, 升本順夫 (2023): 東太平洋における赤道中層海流の駆動メカニズム. 「微細規模から惑星規模にかけての海洋力学過程と規模間相互作用の研究」研究集会.
  • Yusuke Terada, Yukio Masumoto (2023): Generation of the Equatorial Intermediate Current in the eastern Pacific Ocean. 6th ISEE Symposium.
  • Yusuke Terada, Yukio Masumoto (2023): 南東部熱帯インド洋の表層海洋変動-混合層水温変動と湧昇. 東部インド洋における海洋物理・生物地球化学・生態系の統合的理解.
  • 河合佑太, 任軒正博, 片桐孝洋, 富田浩文 (2024): 不連続ガラーキン法に基づく流体計算コードの富岳における計算効率について. 富岳 NEXT FS 気象気候研究会.
  • Kawai, Y., Tomita, H. (2024): Validation of a Global Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Dynamical Core using Discontinuous Galerkin method. AMS 104th Annual Meeting.



  • 高須賀大輔・末松環・三浦裕亮, “熱帯インド洋の巨大な積乱雲群 上空の大気波動が発生要因”, 科学新聞, 2021/11/12.
  • 中野満寿男, “トンガ噴火1ヶ月 潮位変化大気と相互作用か”, NHK News Watch 9 , 2022/2/15.
  • 小玉知央, 山田洋平, “地球温暖化による風速・風向への影響”, 真木 太一(編), 図説 日本の風 ―人々の暮らしと関わる50の風―, 朝倉書店, ISBN:978-4-254-16133-5, 2022/6/1. link
  • 山田洋平, ““激甚化”の背景にある地球温暖化と最新シミュレーションについて”, 読売テレビ(大阪)「ウェークアップ」, 2022/9/10. link
  • 山田洋平, “年々被害拡大…台風の真相”, テレビ東京「60秒でわかるニュース」 , 2022/10/19. link
  • 山田洋平, “21世紀末に向け、降水量・暴風域が増大──地球温暖化による台風変化シミュレーション”, GIS NEXT 第81号, 2022/10/26. link


  • 三浦裕亮, “海洋研究開発機構・お茶の水女子大・東大、「マッデン・ジュリアン振動」の発生メカニズムを特定 “, 日本経済新聞, 2021/10/13.
  • 三浦裕亮, “Gulf Stream and Kuroshio Current found to be synchronized on decadal time scale”, Physics.org, 2021/10/15.
  • 三浦裕亮, “Northern Atlantic and Pacific currents are in sync.”, Physics Today, 2021/10/15.
  • 三浦裕亮, “偏西風で海面水温が同時に上下 黒潮とメキシコ湾流 お茶大・東大”, 時事通信, 2021/10/15.
  • 三浦裕亮, “お茶の水女子大・東大・海洋研究開発機構、黒潮とメキシコ湾流の同期現象を発見”, 日本経済新聞, 2021/10/15.
  • 三浦裕亮, “黒潮・メキシコ湾流変動、海面水温と同期 お茶の水女子大など発見”, 日刊工業新聞, 2021/10/15.
  • 三浦裕亮, “黒潮と米の暖流 水温連動…お茶の水大など発表 偏西風が介在か”, 読売新聞, 2021/10/15.
  • 三浦裕亮, “1万km離れた黒潮とメキシコ湾流、同期していた 水温変化が連動”, 毎日新聞, 2021/10/16.
  • 三浦裕亮, “1万キロ離れた黒潮とメキシコ湾流 海水温が同時変化 お茶の水女子大,東大など解明”, 科学新聞, 2021/10/22.
  • 三浦裕亮, “未来を見通す「先駆者」の軌跡”, 東京大学理学部ウェブマガジン「リガクル」2022年4月号, 2022/4/1.
  • 三浦裕亮, “海面水温,偏西風で同時に上下”, 日経産業新聞, 2022/10/29.
  • 三浦裕亮, “Tuning Improves High-Resolution Climate Simulations”, アメリカ地球物理学連合 EOS, 2024/4/3. link


  • 王家瑞, 三浦裕亮, 小池真, “変形しながら落下する雨粒の数値シミュレーションが可能に”, 子供の科学2021年5月号, 2021/4/9. link



  • 高須賀大輔, Geophysical Research Letters Top Downloaded Article2021, (2021).link
  • 高野雄紀, 松野賞, (2023).link
  • 渡辺真吾、鈴木立郎、中野満寿男, 海洋研究開発機構令和4年度研究開発功績賞「トンガ大噴火後に幻の大気波動「ペケリス波」を発見しそれがラム波とともに気象津波を引き起こしたことを実証」, (2023).
  • C. Kodama, H. Yashiro, T. Arakawa, D. Takasuka, S. Matsugishi, and H. Tomita, International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPCAsia 2024)Best Paper Award:Parallelized remapping algorithms for km-scale global weather and climate simulations with icosahedral grid system, (2024).link


  • 加藤真奈、佐藤陽祐、近藤誠, 日本気象学会北海道支部発表賞, (2022).link
  • 山上遥航, AOGS Kamide Lecture Award, (2023).link


  • 寺田雄亮, Japan Geoscience Union 2022学生優秀発表賞, (2022).link

  • 文部科学省
  • JSPS
  • 科研費
  • 文部科学省
  • JSPS
  • 科研費